illustration for Getting Started with Elasticsearch

Getting Started with Elasticsearch


Will Button

0 lessons
Published 7 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

In this course, you will learn the basics of using Elasticsearch within your application. You will learn how to store and retrieve data in Elasticsearch as well as how to leverage its powerful search features. You will be able to design indices, types and maps for your application to leverage the most from Elasticsearch and you will learn how to monitor the health and performance of your Elasticsearch servers to identify and resolve capacity issues before they impact your application. Throughout this course, we will be using the Simpsons dataset containing all of the Simpsons episodes, characters, and lines. It will be the foundation for learning to retrieve data from Elasticsearch, perform complex searches, and understand and implement best practices for storing data in Elasticsearch and we just might uncover some of the secrets of Springfield as we implement some of Elasticsearch’s powerful search and analytics features along the way.

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