Deploy and Access the Kubernetes Dashboard

Mark Shust
InstructorMark Shust
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Published 4 years ago
Updated 3 years ago

How to use the Kubernetes Dashboard GitHub repo to deploy and access the Kubernetes Dashboard on a Mac. We'll learn how to start the services needed for the dashboard, how to create a new admin user, and then retrieve the token for that admin user to login to the dashboard.

Instructor: [0:00] The Kubernetes dashboard is not deployed by default. The first step is to deploy it from the official YAML file. We can retrieve that file by going to and copy the first line under Getting Started to the clipboard. Paste it in the terminal and execute it to start the dashboard services.

[0:19] Next, we'll run the kubectl proxy command. We'll put an ampersand on the end to run it in the background. Next, we'll follow the link of the repo which should point at localhost:8001 something.

[0:30] We'll then be presented with a login page, either a kubeconfig file or token. Let's create a new sample user to get us that token. Under the Create an Authentication Token heading, click the Creating Sample User Link. The steps are outlined quite well here, but we'll step through each one.

[0:46] First let's create a service account. Let's copy the contents of this YAML segments to the clipboard. Create a new folder in your sites folder named kubernetes-dashboard. Next, create a file called dashboard-adminuser.yaml and paste in the contents and save. We'll then start the configuration by running kubectl apply-f dashboard-adminuser.yaml.

[1:11] Finally, to get the bear token from this admin user we just created, we'll copy the four Bash line to our clipboard and paste it into terminal. The resulting app, we'll see the token. Copy this to the clipboard. Select Token back in the Kubernetes dashboard sign in page and paste in the value that token.

[1:29] After clicking sign in, we'll be logged into our local Kubernetes dashboard where we can inspect services, pods, replica sets and more.

~ an hour ago

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