illustration for The Beginner's Guide to React V1 (2017)

The Beginner's Guide to React V1 (2017)


Kent C. Dodds

1h 17m closed-captioning
19 lessons
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Published 4 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

React got that name for a reason. It’s a component-based JavaScript library that renders smartly and can seriously simplify your work.

This course is for React newbies and anyone looking to build a solid foundation. It’s designed to teach you everything you need to start building web applications in React right away.

Each lesson in this 19-part course is a single index.html file. This keeps your focus on learning React, no distractions. We’ll start with a blank file and add more complexity as we go along, wrapping the course with a lesson on how to move into a more production-ready development environment—and even deploy your app to a great service like Netlify.

You'll come out of this course with a solid grasp on:

what problems React can solve how React solves those problems under the hood what JSX is and how it translates to regular JavaScript function calls and objects You’ll build a solid understanding so when you come across JavaScript challenges down the road, you’ll know how to…react.

Course Content

1h 17m • 19 lessons

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