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Create Astro API Endpoints to Get and Update Database Records using Drizzle ORM
lesson by Lazar Nikolov
Setup Eleventy Project for Creating Twitch Scenes
lesson by Stephanie Eckles
Add GitHub Authorization to an OAuth Client App
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Create an OAuth Client-Server for code/token exchange
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Parse for the Auth Code in a Query before Sending It to a Server
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Exchange Auth Code in a Request for an Access Token
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Fetch Protected Data from a Resource Server with an Access Token
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Add Github Login to Your Web App with OAuth 2.0
course by Christian Nwamba
Series Intro - Beginner Level Alpine JS
lesson by Simon Vrachliotis
Up and Running with Deno
lesson by nader dabit
Refetch API data when a state value changes with the `$watch` property in Alpine JS
lesson by Simon Vrachliotis
Sprinkle declarative, reactive behaviour on your HTML with Alpine JS
course by Simon Vrachliotis
Keep a DOM input and state value in sync with the `x-model` directive in Alpine JS
lesson by Simon Vrachliotis
Focus an input field on button click with `x-ref` and the `$refs` property in Alpine JS
lesson by Simon Vrachliotis
Focus in input field on page load with `x-init` in Alpine JS
lesson by Simon Vrachliotis
Control enter and leave transitions with the `x-show.transition` modifier in Alpine JS
lesson by Simon Vrachliotis
Toggle visibility and styles based on state with `x-show` and `x-bind` in Alpine JS
lesson by Simon Vrachliotis
Update a count state value with the x-on event listener directive in Alpine JS
lesson by Simon Vrachliotis
Iterate through data with the `x-for` attribute in Alpine JS
lesson by Simon Vrachliotis
Benchmark http requests using autocannonjs
lesson by Yonatan Kra
Passing variables to serverless functions using query strings
lesson by Chris Biscardi