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Create a GitHub Action Configuration to Automatic Deploy an Astro Blog

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Download and GitHub

lesson by Tom Chant

Set up GitHub OAuth for a Next.js 13 Application

lesson by Ben Patton

Authenticate Users with GitHub OAuth using Supabase and Next.js Client Components

lesson by Jon Meyers

Create an OAuth App with GitHub

lesson by Jon Meyers

Deploy a Remix Application to Vercel from a GitHub Repository

lesson by Jon Meyers

Implement Authentication for Supabase with OAuth and Github

lesson by Jon Meyers

Introduction to Introduction to Smart Contracts with Ethereum and Solidity

lesson by Noah Hein

Full Stack Web3 and Blockchain Development on Ethereum with SvelteKit

course by Matías Hernández

Deploy your Smart Contract to Goerli Test Network and App to Vercel

lesson by Matías Hernández

Withdraw eth from a Smart Contract in a Svelte Application

lesson by Matías Hernández

Create a Form in Svelte and Send a Tip to an Solidity Smart Contract

lesson by Matías Hernández

Interact with a Solidity Smart Contract Using Ethers and the Contract ABI in SvetleKit

lesson by Matías Hernández

Retrieve Ethereum Network and Account information on Mount and Display it in Svelte

lesson by Matías Hernández

Connect a Metamask Account to a Svelte Application

lesson by Matías Hernández

Set up a Metamask Wallet with your local Ethereum Network

lesson by Matías Hernández

Deploy a Solidity Smart Contract with Hardhat to a Local Ethereum Network

lesson by Matías Hernández

Add eth Withdraw Functionality in a Smart Contract and Emit Solidity Events

lesson by Matías Hernández

Test Smart Contract Functionality with Ethers and Hardhat

lesson by Matías Hernández

Create a Smart Contract Function that Transfers eth from One Address to Another

lesson by Matías Hernández

Store Data in a Smart Contract struct Variable

lesson by Matías Hernández