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Deploy a Discord.js Bot for Production

lesson by Lucas Minter

Conditionally Disable a Custom Discord Button

lesson by Lucas Minter

Add Roles to Users using a Discord.js Collector

lesson by Lucas Minter

Create Dynamic Channels and Roles with a Discord Bot

lesson by Lucas Minter

Create Custom Discord Buttons with ActionRowBuilder and ButtonBuilder

lesson by Lucas Minter

Display Relative Time in a Discord Embedded Message

lesson by Lucas Minter

Have a Discord Bot Respond with Embedded Messages

lesson by Lucas Minter

Receive and Respond to Input From Users with Discord.js Slash Commands

lesson by Lucas Minter

Create Your First Discord.js Slash Command

lesson by Lucas Minter

Setup for Discord.js Slash Commands

lesson by Lucas Minter

Create your first Discord.js Bot Message Command

lesson by Lucas Minter

Send your first Discord.js Bot Event

lesson by Lucas Minter

Create and Configure a Bot using the Discord Developer Portal

lesson by Lucas Minter

Introduction to Build a Book Club Bot with Discord.js

lesson by Lucas Minter

Build a Book Club Bot with Discord.js

course by Lucas Minter

Getting Started with Algolia InstantSearch.js

course by Raphael Terrier

Inform users about the current result set with Instantsearch JS Stats widget

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Paginate Large Sets of Algolia Data with Instantsearch JS Pagination widget

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Reset all active refinements with the clearRefinements Instantsearch JS widget

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Refine a dataset using a numeric range in Instantsearch JS with the Range Input widget

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Browse results based on a hierarchy of Facets (HierarchicalMenu) in Instantsearch JS

lesson by Raphael Terrier