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Declarative UIs without CSS with elm-ui

course by Flavio Corpa

Getting Started with Algolia InstantSearch.js

course by Raphael Terrier

Set up the Instantsearch JS Library

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Search an Algolia Index with Instantsearch JS searchbox and hits widgets

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Display Rich results with templates in the Hits widget for Instantsearch JS

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Highlight Keywords in Query Results using the Instantsearch JS Hits Widget

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Filter Datasets with Facets using Instantsearch JS to add a Refinement List

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Browse results based on a hierarchy of Facets (HierarchicalMenu) in Instantsearch JS

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Refine a dataset using a numeric range in Instantsearch JS with the Range Input widget

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Reset all active refinements with the clearRefinements Instantsearch JS widget

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Paginate Large Sets of Algolia Data with Instantsearch JS Pagination widget

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Inform users about the current result set with Instantsearch JS Stats widget

lesson by Raphael Terrier

How to Add Instantsearch JS widgets and their common attributes

lesson by Raphael Terrier

Functions in Elm

lesson by Ronn Ross

Using "Maybe" in Elm for values that may or may not exist

lesson by Murphy Randle

Make an HTTP Request in Elm

lesson by Murphy Randle

Gulp and Browserify - Adding Live Reload with Browsersync

lesson by Shane Osbourne

Gulp and Browserify - Adding Babel & Source Maps

lesson by Shane Osbourne

Installing and setting up Elm

lesson by Ronn Ross

Elm in 7 minutes

lesson by Ronn Ross

Gulp and Browserify - Initial Setup

lesson by Shane Osbourne