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Add Custom Fields to a Devise User Model with a Ruby on Rails Migration
lesson by Will Johnson
Create Active Record Self-Referential Relationships In Ruby on Rails
lesson by Will Johnson
Rename A Database Column with Ruby on Rails Active Record Migrations
lesson by Will Johnson
Build lodash.omitBy and lodash.pickBy with Object.fromEntries
lesson by Jamund Ferguson
Build lodash.pick from Scratch
lesson by Jamund Ferguson
Extending debounce with a maxWait Option
lesson by Jamund Ferguson
Replace lodash.get with Optional Chaining Syntax
lesson by Jamund Ferguson
Build lodash.debounce from Scratch
lesson by Jamund Ferguson
Recreating Popular JavaScript Utility Methods from Lodash
course by Jamund Ferguson
Build lodash.merge from Scratch
lesson by Jamund Ferguson
Build lodash.get from Scratch
lesson by Jamund Ferguson
Test Custom ActiveRecord Validations
lesson by Victor Hazbun
Test ActiveRecord Validations
lesson by Victor Hazbun
Test ActiveRecord Named Scopes
lesson by Victor Hazbun
Getting Started with Algolia InstantSearch.js
course by Raphael Terrier
Inform users about the current result set with Instantsearch JS Stats widget
lesson by Raphael Terrier
Paginate Large Sets of Algolia Data with Instantsearch JS Pagination widget
lesson by Raphael Terrier
Reset all active refinements with the clearRefinements Instantsearch JS widget
lesson by Raphael Terrier
Refine a dataset using a numeric range in Instantsearch JS with the Range Input widget
lesson by Raphael Terrier
Browse results based on a hierarchy of Facets (HierarchicalMenu) in Instantsearch JS
lesson by Raphael Terrier
Filter Datasets with Facets using Instantsearch JS to add a Refinement List
lesson by Raphael Terrier