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Add a Custom App Icon to Your React Native Android App with Android Asset Studio

lesson by Kadi Kraman

Series Intro - Beginner Level Alpine JS

lesson by Simon Vrachliotis

Refetch API data when a state value changes with the `$watch` property in Alpine JS

lesson by Simon Vrachliotis

Sprinkle declarative, reactive behaviour on your HTML with Alpine JS

course by Simon Vrachliotis

Keep a DOM input and state value in sync with the `x-model` directive in Alpine JS

lesson by Simon Vrachliotis

Focus an input field on button click with `x-ref` and the `$refs` property in Alpine JS

lesson by Simon Vrachliotis

Focus in input field on page load with `x-init` in Alpine JS

lesson by Simon Vrachliotis

Control enter and leave transitions with the `x-show.transition` modifier in Alpine JS

lesson by Simon Vrachliotis

Toggle visibility and styles based on state with `x-show` and `x-bind` in Alpine JS

lesson by Simon Vrachliotis

Update a count state value with the x-on event listener directive in Alpine JS

lesson by Simon Vrachliotis

Iterate through data with the `x-for` attribute in Alpine JS

lesson by Simon Vrachliotis

Build an Android React Native App for the Google Play Store or for Ad Hoc Distribution

lesson by Chris Achard

Run a React Native App on an Android Device

lesson by Chris Achard

Pass Data Between Screens when Navigating with StackNavigator

lesson by Chris Achard

Layout React Native Components with Flexbox

lesson by Chris Achard

Fetch Data from an HTTP Server in a React Native Application using fetch or axios

lesson by Chris Achard

Customize the StackNavigator Header with React Navigation in a React Native App

lesson by Chris Achard

Add a Modal Screen that Pops Up from the Bottom with React Navigation

lesson by Chris Achard

Ensure Text Fields Don't Get Covered by the On Screen Keyboard

lesson by Chris Achard

Show a Spinner while Submitting a Form in React Native with ActivityIndicator

lesson by Chris Achard

Save and Retrieve Data on the Device in a React Native App with AsyncStorage

lesson by Chris Achard