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"Search Results
Build a React App with the Hooks API
course by Andy Van Slaars
Test React Components with Enzyme and Jest
course by Tyler Clark
Confidently Testing Redux Applications with Jest & TypeScript
course by Jamund Ferguson
Course Introduction: Progressive Web Apps in React with create-react-app
lesson by Chris Achard
Understanding how react-testing-library works with Kent C. Dodds
lesson by Joel Hooks
Rails Todo API Part 2
lesson by Brett Cassette
Rails Todo API Part 1
lesson by Brett Cassette
Writing Platform-Specific Components for iOS and Android in React Native
lesson by Bonnie Eisenman
Getting started with Jest using TypeScript
lesson by Basarat Ali Syed
Search Directive with Rails
lesson by Brett Cassette
Jest Snapshot Testing with React Storybook
lesson by Arunoda Susiripala
Create a Redux-Style Reducer Function
lesson by Andy Van Slaars
Display Contents of a React Native FlatList as a Grid
lesson by Spencer Carli
Use the SafeAreaView Component in React Native for iPhone X Compatibility
lesson by Spencer Carli
Integration test a React component that consumes a Render Prop
lesson by Andrew Del Prete
Unit test a React Render Prop component
lesson by Andrew Del Prete
Install Enzyme and Configure Jest
lesson by Tyler Clark
Test Against Different React Releases with Enzyme
lesson by Tyler Clark
Shallow Render a React Component with Enzyme
lesson by Tyler Clark
Find Nodes from a Shallow Rendered Component
lesson by Tyler Clark
Understand the Different Accepted Selectors in Enzyme
lesson by Tyler Clark