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Build a Multi-Tab Todos App in Script Kit
lesson by John Lindquist
Scrape a Website on a Schedule with Script Kit
lesson by John Lindquist
Save Chrome Tabs in a Markdown File and Take Notes with Script Kit
lesson by John Lindquist
Apply Title Case to Text Anywhere Using Script Kit
lesson by John Lindquist
List and Launch Dev Projects with Script Kit
lesson by John Lindquist
Manipulate Images With Drag and Drop in Script Kit
lesson by John Lindquist
Control Chrome From Script Kit using Apple Events
lesson by John Lindquist
Instantly Launch Chrome Dev Tools with Script Kit
lesson by John Lindquist
Write a Script with Script Kit to Browse Hacker News
lesson by John Lindquist
Modify a JSON Configuration File with jq
lesson by Joel Lord
Manipulating strings in bash
course by Cameron Nokes
Extract Columns of Data from a CSV with awk
lesson by Cameron Nokes
Extract Data From Columns of Text with awk in Bash
lesson by Cameron Nokes
Convert a File from Markdown to PDF with pandoc
lesson by Zac Jones
Upgrade Your Terminal and Make It a Joy to Work with
course by Ian Jones
Interactively Find Anything By Piping it to fzf in the terminal
lesson by Ian Jones
Store Zsh Functions in Individual Files Inside a Directory
lesson by John Lindquist
Secure GitHub connections with SSH
course by Ryan Harris
Update gitconfig to Work with Multiple Accounts and SSH Keys
lesson by Ryan Harris
Manage Keys with ssh-agent and Add SSH Configuration
lesson by Ryan Harris
Generate SSH Keys for your GitHub Accounts
lesson by Ryan Harris