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Playwright Library for Browser Automation

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Playwright Test Fixtures, Browser Context and Page

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Page Object Model Pattern with Playwright

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Playwright Selectors

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Capture Failed Test Videos and Screenshots with Playwright

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Postmortem Debugging Failed Tests with the Playwright Trace Viewer

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Quickly Generate Playwright Tests with Codegen

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Debugging Playwright Tests with Inspector

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Generate Playwright Snapshots on your CI Server

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Visual Regression Testing with Playwright

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Playwright VSCode Extension

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Adding Playwright to your Web App

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Playwright Tests API Basics

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Setting up Microsoft Playwright

lesson by Basarat Ali Syed

Install Jekyll and generate initial, scaffolded website

lesson by Garth Braithwaite

Angular Material: Theming and ARIA

lesson by Thomas Burleson

Angular Material: Using a BottomSheet

lesson by Thomas Burleson

Angular Material: Adaptive Layouts

lesson by Thomas Burleson

Angular Material: UI Components with Dynamic Data

lesson by Thomas Burleson

Introduction to AngularJS Material

course by Aaron Frost

Angular Material: Containers with the Layout API

lesson by Thomas Burleson