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Add Custom Fields to a Devise User Model with a Ruby on Rails Migration

lesson by Will Johnson

Create Active Record Self-Referential Relationships In Ruby on Rails

lesson by Will Johnson

Rename A Database Column with Ruby on Rails Active Record Migrations

lesson by Will Johnson

Use yarn up to Update Dependencies In A Yarn Workspace

lesson by Ian Jones

Use Yarn dlx to Execute Packages without Installing Them

lesson by Ian Jones

Install Yarn 2

lesson by Ian Jones

WTF is Yarn Plug'n'Play (PnP)?

lesson by Ian Jones

Yarn 2 AKA Berry

course by Ian Jones

Create a Single-Command Node.js CLI with Oclif, TypeScript and Yarn Workspaces

lesson by Shawn Wang

Test Custom ActiveRecord Validations

lesson by Victor Hazbun

Test ActiveRecord Validations

lesson by Victor Hazbun

Test ActiveRecord Named Scopes

lesson by Victor Hazbun

Use Yarn Workspaces to Share Code with CRA and create-react-native-app in a Monorepo

lesson by Jason Brown

Bootstrap a React Application with Yarn & Create React App

lesson by Andy Van Slaars

Yarn: A JavaScript Package Manager

lesson by Jamison Dance

Angular Material: Theming and ARIA

lesson by Thomas Burleson

Angular Material: Using a BottomSheet

lesson by Thomas Burleson

Angular Material: Adaptive Layouts

lesson by Thomas Burleson

Angular Material: UI Components with Dynamic Data

lesson by Thomas Burleson

Introduction to AngularJS Material

course by Aaron Frost

Angular Material: Containers with the Layout API

lesson by Thomas Burleson