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Introduction to Monorepos with NPM Workspaces

course by Alejandro Ñáñez

Intro to Monorepos with NPM Workspaces Outro

lesson by Alejandro Ñáñez

Running Quality Checks in your Monorepo

lesson by Alejandro Ñáñez

Share Code Between a Library and Applications Inside a Monorepo

lesson by Alejandro Ñáñez

Run Dev Scripts for All Packages Simultaniously

lesson by Alejandro Ñáñez

Install Dependencies for Specific Packages in a Monorepo

lesson by Alejandro Ñáñez

Run App Specific Commands in a Monorepo

lesson by Alejandro Ñáñez

Add a TypeScript library to your Monorepo using TSUP

lesson by Alejandro Ñáñez

Install a Next.js and a Vite.js Applications Into a Monorepo

lesson by Alejandro Ñáñez

Configure NPM Workspaces in your Package.json

lesson by Alejandro Ñáñez

What are Monorepos

lesson by Alejandro Ñáñez

Install Multiple Versions of the Same Package in NPM with Package Aliases

lesson by Will Mendes

Creating a Digital Garden CLI with Rust

course by Chris Biscardi

Abstracting test utilities inside integration test files

lesson by Chris Biscardi

Using owo_colors Extension Traits to colorize terminal output

lesson by Chris Biscardi

Checking for file existence with PathBuf to ensure unique filenames

lesson by Chris Biscardi

Using assert_fs and predicates to integration test with a real temporary file system

lesson by Chris Biscardi

Passing control to the user's favorite editor (such as VSCode) from the CLI

lesson by Chris Biscardi

Prompting the user for input with rprompt and loop

lesson by Chris Biscardi

Adding support for global flags that apply for all subcommands with structopt

lesson by Chris Biscardi

Creating a library crate to support a Rust binary crate in the same package

lesson by Chris Biscardi