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Deploy Local Database Changes to Supabase Remote Through Github Actions

lesson by Ben Patton

Pull Remote Database Changes with Supabase

lesson by Ben Patton

Add Seed Data to Local Database with Supabase

lesson by Ben Patton

Link Local Database to Remote and Run a Migration with Supabase

lesson by Ben Patton

Start Supabase Locally and Create a Table

lesson by Ben Patton

Use Supabase CLI to Login and Init Project

lesson by Ben Patton

Generate a New NextJS with Supabase App

lesson by Ben Patton

Create a Supabase Account and Database

lesson by Ben Patton

Getting Started with Supabase Local Dev

course by Ben Patton

Implement Dynamic OG Image Generation with Astro API Routes and Satori

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Create Astro API Endpoints to Get and Update Database Records using Drizzle ORM

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Dockerize a Server-side Rendered (SSR) Astro Blog and Deploy to

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Refactor a React Astro Island to Vanilla JS to Ship Less JavaScript

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Add Interactive React Components to a Static Astro Page with Astro Islands

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Milestone Recap: Build a Full Stack Blog with Astro

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Deploy a Static Astro Site on Vercel

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Generate an RSS Feed for an Astro Blog with @astrojs/rss

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Generate a Sitemap in Astro with the sitemap Integration

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Implement SEO in an Astro Website with astro-seo

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Create and Apply a Layout to Astro Pages

lesson by Lazar Nikolov

Create Static Pages in Astro Using File Based Routing

lesson by Lazar Nikolov