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Introduction to Monorepos with NPM Workspaces
course by Alejandro Ñáñez
Upgrade Your Terminal and Make It a Joy to Work with
course by Ian Jones
Manipulating strings in bash
course by Cameron Nokes
SSH for Remote Server Authentication
course by Mark Shust
Secure GitHub connections with SSH
course by Ryan Harris
Advanced Bash Automation for Web Developers
course by Cameron Nokes
Execute npm Package Binaries with the npx Package Runner
course by Elijah Manor
WebAssembly with the Go Language
course by Xiaoru Li
Automate Daily Development Tasks with Bash
course by Cameron Nokes
Learn about slices and arrays in Go
course by Jeff Roberts
How to Use npm Scripts as Your Build Tool
course by Elijah Manor
Schedule Timed Jobs on macOS with `launchd`
lesson by Cameron Nokes
Monitoring and auditing SSH connection attempts
lesson by Mark Shust
Create a custom npm script
lesson by Elijah Manor
Pass arguments to npm scripts
lesson by Elijah Manor
Create a node script to replace a complex npm script
lesson by Elijah Manor
Use custom config settings in your npm scripts
lesson by Elijah Manor
Run the basic npm scripts
lesson by Elijah Manor
Run npm scripts in series
lesson by Elijah Manor
Pipe data from one npm script to another
lesson by Elijah Manor
Run npm scripts with git hooks
lesson by Elijah Manor