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Debug Computed Accessibility Properties with Chrome Dev Tools
lesson by Lindsey Kopacz
Debugging Accessible Contrast with Chrome Dev Tools
lesson by Lindsey Kopacz
Replace PHP require statements with the Composer class autoloader
lesson by Mark Shust
Defining & using PHP namespaces
lesson by Mark Shust
Refactoring functions into PHP classes
lesson by Mark Shust
Understanding scope in PHP classes
lesson by Mark Shust
Retrieve public class properties with PHP’s arrow syntax
lesson by Mark Shust
Create promoted properties in PHP 8 classes
lesson by Mark Shust
Create class properties in previous versions of PHP
lesson by Mark Shust
Run code on PHP class creation with a constructor
lesson by Mark Shust
Create & instantiate a class in PHP
lesson by Mark Shust
Including or requiring files in PHP
lesson by Mark Shust
Type coercion & strict data types in PHP
lesson by Mark Shust
Defining function return & argument types in PHP
lesson by Mark Shust
Passing arguments to PHP functions
lesson by Mark Shust
Calling functions with return values in PHP
lesson by Mark Shust
Function & global scope in PHP
lesson by Mark Shust
Create a function in PHP
lesson by Mark Shust
Purpose of a function in PHP
lesson by Mark Shust
Continue or break out of a PHP loop
lesson by Mark Shust
Display the contents of an array with a for loop
lesson by Mark Shust