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Add Custom Fields to a Devise User Model with a Ruby on Rails Migration
lesson by Will Johnson
Create Active Record Self-Referential Relationships In Ruby on Rails
lesson by Will Johnson
Rename A Database Column with Ruby on Rails Active Record Migrations
lesson by Will Johnson
Convert an App Built with Reason & ReasonReact into JavaScript & React.
lesson by Sean Grove
Dynamically style an input border with Tailwind and ReasonReact
lesson by Murphy Randle
Making an HTTP server in ReasonML on top of Node.js
course by Murphy Randle
Handle JSON request bodies and send JSON responses from a Node.js server using ReasonML
lesson by Murphy Randle
Make a basic server with ReasonML and Node.js
lesson by Murphy Randle
Working with cryptic error messages from ReasonML when writing custom Decco decoders.
lesson by Murphy Randle
Write a simple custom JSON decoder for Decco in ReasonML
lesson by Murphy Randle
Automatically decode JSON into records in ReasonML using Decco
lesson by Murphy Randle
Async / Await in ReasonML
lesson by Murphy Randle
Test Custom ActiveRecord Validations
lesson by Victor Hazbun
Test ActiveRecord Validations
lesson by Victor Hazbun
Test ActiveRecord Named Scopes
lesson by Victor Hazbun
Chain Functions using the pipe/reverse-application Operator in Reason
lesson by Nik Graf
Reference Equality vs Structural (deep) Equality
lesson by Nik Graf
if-else and Switch Expressions in Reason
lesson by Nik Graf
Basic Datatypes and Operators in Reason
lesson by Nik Graf
Exceptions in Reason
lesson by Nik Graf
Scope in Reason
lesson by Nik Graf