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Set up Planetscale Main and Dev Branches and Create Tables through Prisma

lesson by Ben Patton

Build a Backend with Prisma in a TypeScript Node Project

course by Ryan Chenkie

Limit the Amount of Returned Data with Prisma Client

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Use Prisma Client to Connect Related Tables when Creating New Data

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Use Prisma Client to Query for Related Data

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Create a Relation Between Two Tables in the Prisma Schema

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Use Express to Create Data Dynamically

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Create a Database Record with Prisma Client

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Use Prima Client to Select a Subset of Data

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Use Prisma Client to Find Many Records in a Table

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Use Prisma Studio to Create a Record

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Create a Model for a Table and Run Migrations

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Initialize Prisma in a TypeScript Node Project

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Install the Prisma VS Code Extension

lesson by Ryan Chenkie

Containers for Software Developers

talk by Joel Lord

Containerize Full-Stack JavaScript Applications with Docker

course by Joel Lord

Push a Docker Container Image to Docker Hub

lesson by Joel Lord

Allow Containers to Communicate through Docker Networks

lesson by Joel Lord

Create a Custom Image with a Dockerfile running Node.js

lesson by Joel Lord

Use Environment Variables for Docker Containers

lesson by Joel Lord

Running Your First Container

lesson by Joel Lord