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Create Astro API Endpoints to Get and Update Database Records using Drizzle ORM
lesson by Lazar Nikolov
Add GitHub Authorization to an OAuth Client App
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Create an OAuth Client-Server for code/token exchange
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Parse for the Auth Code in a Query before Sending It to a Server
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Exchange Auth Code in a Request for an Access Token
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Fetch Protected Data from a Resource Server with an Access Token
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Add Github Login to Your Web App with OAuth 2.0
course by Christian Nwamba
Test Web Accessibility using Lighthouse
lesson by Amberley Romo
Up and Running with Deno
lesson by nader dabit
Benchmark http requests using autocannonjs
lesson by Yonatan Kra
Passing variables to serverless functions using query strings
lesson by Chris Biscardi
Set the httpOnly Cookie Flag in Express to Ensure Cookies are Inaccessible from JavaScript
lesson by Mike Sherov
Add https to a Localhost Express App to Prevent MITM Attacks
lesson by Mike Sherov
Mitigate CSRF Attacks by Setting the SameSite Cookie Flag in Express
lesson by Mike Sherov
Add CSRF Token Middleware to an Express Server to Mitigate CSRF
lesson by Mike Sherov
Prevent Inline Script Execution by Implementing Script-Src CSP Headers in Express
lesson by Mike Sherov
Add a Nonce Based script-src Header in Express to Only Allow Scripts that Match the Nonce
lesson by Mike Sherov
Add a default-src CSP Header in Express to Enforce an Allowlist and Mitigate XSS
lesson by Mike Sherov
Simulate Man in the Middle Attacks and Inspect Network Traffic with Charles Proxy
lesson by Mike Sherov
Redirect All HTTP Traffic to HTTPS in Express to Ensure All Responses are Secure
lesson by Mike Sherov
Set the Secure Cookie Flag to Ensure Cookies are Only Sent Over Secure Connections
lesson by Mike Sherov