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An Introduction to the React Testing Library

course by Daniel Afonso

Full Stack Web3 and Blockchain Development on Ethereum with SvelteKit

course by Matías Hernández

Build an NFT Based Ticketing System

course by Ryan Harris

Accessible animations with reduced motion

lesson by Marcy Sutton

Use the axe Browser Extension to Audit a Web Page for Accessibility Issues

lesson by Erin Doyle

Use tota11y to Visualize Accessibility Issues

lesson by Erin Doyle

Test for Landmark Region Accessibility Issues in React

lesson by Erin Doyle

Understand why CSS has no effect with the Inactive CSS rules indicator in Firefox DevTools

lesson by Elijah Manor

Create a Dark Mode Theme in Your Web App Using CSS Media Query

lesson by Will Mendes

Create an ERC-721 Token with OpenZeppelin

lesson by Ryan Harris

Add a Mint Function to Your NFT Smart Contract

lesson by Ryan Harris

Add an Image to an NFT with Token Metadata

lesson by Ryan Harris

Set a Mint Price on Your NFT Smart Contract

lesson by Ryan Harris

Restrict Smart Contract Functions to a Specified Owner

lesson by Ryan Harris

Deploy a Smart Contract to the Rinkeby Testnet

lesson by Ryan Harris

Set Up a React dApp From a Starter

lesson by Ryan Harris

Support MetaMask Connections to a React dApp

lesson by Ryan Harris

Disconnect MetaMask from a React dApp

lesson by Ryan Harris

Cache a MetaMask Wallet Address in localStorage

lesson by Ryan Harris

Connect a React dApp to a Smart Contract Using ethers.js

lesson by Ryan Harris

Fetch the Owner's Wallet Address From a Smart Contract

lesson by Ryan Harris