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Full Stack Web3 and Blockchain Development on Ethereum with SvelteKit

course by Matías Hernández

Build an NFT Based Ticketing System

course by Ryan Harris

Rails Todo API Part 2

lesson by Brett Cassette

Rails Todo API Part 1

lesson by Brett Cassette

Search Directive with Rails

lesson by Brett Cassette

Install Jekyll and generate initial, scaffolded website

lesson by Garth Braithwaite

Rename A Database Column with Ruby on Rails Active Record Migrations

lesson by Will Johnson

Create an ERC-721 Token with OpenZeppelin

lesson by Ryan Harris

Add a Mint Function to Your NFT Smart Contract

lesson by Ryan Harris

Add an Image to an NFT with Token Metadata

lesson by Ryan Harris

Set a Mint Price on Your NFT Smart Contract

lesson by Ryan Harris

Restrict Smart Contract Functions to a Specified Owner

lesson by Ryan Harris

Deploy a Smart Contract to the Rinkeby Testnet

lesson by Ryan Harris

Set Up a React dApp From a Starter

lesson by Ryan Harris

Support MetaMask Connections to a React dApp

lesson by Ryan Harris

Disconnect MetaMask from a React dApp

lesson by Ryan Harris

Cache a MetaMask Wallet Address in localStorage

lesson by Ryan Harris

Connect a React dApp to a Smart Contract Using ethers.js

lesson by Ryan Harris

Fetch the Owner's Wallet Address From a Smart Contract

lesson by Ryan Harris

Open and Close an NFT Sale From a React dApp

lesson by Ryan Harris

Fetch Mint Info From a Smart Contract

lesson by Ryan Harris