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Serverless Function 4
lesson by Tom Chant
Serverless Function 3
lesson by Tom Chant
Serverless Function 2
lesson by Tom Chant
Update fetchReply
lesson by Tom Chant
Netlify Serverless Function 1
lesson by Tom Chant
Netlify CLI
lesson by Tom Chant
Add Netlify env var
lesson by Tom Chant
Netlify sign-up
lesson by Tom Chant
Set up a Vite project with React and TypeScript
lesson by Jason Lengstorf
Set up Vite local dev with the Netlify CLI
lesson by Jason Lengstorf
Add TypeScript powered serverless functions to a Netlify project
lesson by Jason Lengstorf
Create a serverless form submission handler with TypeScript
lesson by Jason Lengstorf
Submit form data to a Netlify serverless function
lesson by Jason Lengstorf
Deploy a Vite project with the Netlify CLI
lesson by Jason Lengstorf
Add Security Headers to an Express app
lesson by Ingrid Epure
Create an OAuth Client-Server for code/token exchange
lesson by Christian Nwamba
Add Github Login to Your Web App with OAuth 2.0
course by Christian Nwamba
Test Web Accessibility using Lighthouse
lesson by Amberley Romo
Build a Corgi Up-boop Web App with Netlify Serverless Functions and Hasura
course by Jason Lengstorf
Deploy a Static Application to Production on Netlify
lesson by Jason Lengstorf
Update Data in Database Triggered by Client Interactions with Netlify Serverless Functions
lesson by Jason Lengstorf