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Build a Real-time Next.js 14 Chat App with Fauna

course by Shadid Haque

Update Fauna Messages Collection with Authors

lesson by Shadid Haque

Implement Fauna Signin with Next.js Server Actions and useFormState React Hook

lesson by Shadid Haque

Implement Signup Functionality through Fauna with Next.js 14 Server Actions

lesson by Shadid Haque

Add Fauna User Authentication to a Next.js App

lesson by Shadid Haque

Stream Chat Messages in Real-time in Next.js from Fauna

lesson by Shadid Haque

Create and Display Messages using Fauna within a Room in Next.js

lesson by Shadid Haque

Explore Faunas one-to-many Relationships between Collections in the Terminal

lesson by Shadid Haque

Create Dynamic Routes in Next.js for Chat Rooms

lesson by Shadid Haque

List Available Chat Rooms in Real-time in Next.js from Fauna

lesson by Shadid Haque

Create a Fauna Room Collection in Next.js with the fauna Client

lesson by Shadid Haque

Initialize and Configure a Fauna Database inside a Next.js project with fauna-shell

lesson by Shadid Haque

Build Full Stack Web Applications with Angular and Firebase

course by Jorge Vergara

Save and Display Tasks Files Utilizing Firebase Cloud Storage getDownloadUrl

lesson by Jorge Vergara

Send a Password Reset Email Using Firebase Authentication with sendPasswordResetEmail

lesson by Jorge Vergara

Create an Authentication Page Template with Ionic Page Generation

lesson by Jorge Vergara

Delete a Document with a Confirmation Step from Firestore

lesson by Jorge Vergara

Notify Users Their Database Operation Worked with a Toast Alert

lesson by Jorge Vergara

Create a New Task Form Page Template with Ionic

lesson by Jorge Vergara

Access a Firebase Document's ID Even when It's Not Stored in the Document with angularfire

lesson by Jorge Vergara

Run Multiple DB Operations with Custom Resolvers and Fauna Query Language

lesson by Shadid Haque