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Complex State Management in React with Jotai and XState
course by Daishi Kato
Initialize a Xstate Machine with Jotai Atom in Atom Pattern
lesson by Daishi Kato
Provide XState with Initial Values through Jotai Provider
lesson by Daishi Kato
Derive Jotai Atom State from Complex State Managed in Xstate
lesson by Daishi Kato
Handle Complex State in Jotai with XState using atomWithMachine
lesson by Daishi Kato
Create a Stand-Alone Theme in WordPress
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
XState for State Management in React Apps with David Khourshid
lesson by Joel Hooks
WordPress as a Headless Content Management System (CMS) and GraphQL API
course by Kevin Cunningham
Manage Media Assets in a Headless WordPress Site using the Cloudinary WordPress Plugin
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Add Comments to a Headless WordPress Post using Application Passwords
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Replicate a Remote WordPress Site Locally by Importing Content and Logic
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Backup Your Content and Custom App Logic in a WordPress Instance
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Add Fake Data to a WordPress Instance with the Faker Press Plugin
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Build a GraphQL Query with Exactly the Data you need for a Posts Page
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Expose Gutenberg Blocks to the Headless WordPress GraphQL Endpoint
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Expose WordPress Advanced Custom Field (ACF) Plugin Data to the GraphQL Endpoint
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Add a Custom Post Type to the GraphQL Headless WordPress API Endpoint
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Create and Test a GraphQL Endpoint for WordPress with wp-graphql
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Write Markdown Posts in WordPress with the WordPress Markdown Editor Plugin
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Add the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Plugin and Expose those Fields to the REST API
lesson by Kevin Cunningham
Filter Blocks Types that are Exposed in Gutenberg for a Predictable Headless WordPress API
lesson by Kevin Cunningham