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Add Github Login to Your Web App with OAuth 2.0

course by Christian Nwamba

Running your server forever using forever in Node.js

lesson by Akash Gutha

Make an HTTP Request in Elm

lesson by Murphy Randle

Using Text to Speech with NativeScript

lesson by Brad Martin

Gulp and Browserify - Adding Live Reload with Browsersync

lesson by Shane Osbourne

Using the device Phone and SMS with NativeScript

lesson by Brad Martin

Gulp and Browserify - Adding Babel & Source Maps

lesson by Shane Osbourne

Gulp and Browserify - Initial Setup

lesson by Shane Osbourne

Create iOS custom UIViewController components with NativeScript for Angular

lesson by Nathan Walker

Installing and Writing a Default Task with Gulp

lesson by Jacob Carter

Composing emails in a NativeScript app

lesson by Brad Martin

Capture Drawings and Signatures in a NativeScript app

lesson by Brad Martin

Use Speech Recognition with NativeScript

lesson by Brad Martin

Gulp and Browserify - Hooking up Watchify

lesson by Shane Osbourne

Bundling Your JavaScript Files with Gulp

lesson by Jacob Carter

Set up a native app project with the NativeScript CLI

lesson by Brad Martin

Make HTTP Requests in Bash with `curl`

lesson by Cameron Nokes

Passing variables to serverless functions using query strings

lesson by Chris Biscardi

Benchmark http requests using autocannonjs

lesson by Yonatan Kra

Up and Running with Deno

lesson by nader dabit

Add GitHub Authorization to an OAuth Client App

lesson by Christian Nwamba