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Up and Running with AWS Amplify Functions
course by nader dabit
Fully Connected Neural Networks with Keras
course by Chris Achard
Develop React Applications with Mobx and TypeScript
course by Basarat Ali Syed
Manage Application State with Mobx-state-tree
course by Michel Weststrate
Introduction to the Python 3 Programming Language
course by Will Button
Manage Complex State in React Apps with MobX
course by Michel Weststrate
The Ins and Outs of Python Tuples
course by Ceora Ford
Create Dynamic Types and use Type Composition to Extract Common Functionality
lesson by Michel Weststrate
Understand Scope in Python
lesson by Will Button
Reuse Code in Multiple Projects with Python Modules
lesson by Will Button
Manage packages with pip in Python
lesson by Will Button
Sync the UI with the app state using MobX observable and observer in React
lesson by Michel Weststrate
Use Python Classes
lesson by Will Button
Pass observable data through props in MobX
lesson by Michel Weststrate
Use MobX actions to change and guard state
lesson by Michel Weststrate
Derive computed values and manage side effects with MobX reactions
lesson by Michel Weststrate
Handle user input and asynchronous actions with MobX
lesson by Michel Weststrate
Connect MobX observer components to the store with the React Provider
lesson by Michel Weststrate
Write custom MobX reactions with when and autorun
lesson by Michel Weststrate
Read Input in Python from the Console
lesson by Will Button
Handle Exceptions to prevent crashes in Python
lesson by Will Button