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Preview and edit a component live with React Live

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Build a slide deck with mdx-deck using Markdown + React

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Integration test a Vue component with vue-testing-library

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Unit test a Vue component with Jest

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Getting Started With Storybook for Vue

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Refactor a connected Redux component to use Unstated

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Create and import React components with Markdown using MDXC

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

The difference between the Spread and Rest syntax

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Code split a modal component in VueJS

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Code split by route in VueJS

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Use Unstated to share state between two separate rendered components

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Compose render prop components with React Adopt

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Update Application State with React Apollo ApolloConsumer Component

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Update Application State with React Apollo Mutation Component

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Refactor componentWillReceiveProps() to getDerivedStateFromProps() in React 16.3

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Use forwardRef() in React 16.3

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Using createRef() to reference a node in a child component in React 16.3

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Reference a node using createRef() in React 16.3

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Fetch Server Data and Client-side State in One Query using React Apollo + GraphQL

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Use Unstated for State Management in React

lesson by Andrew Del Prete

Fetch Data from GraphQL with React Apollo Query Component

lesson by Andrew Del Prete