Quickly Compare Two Sites Using AI Studio with Chrome Full Page Screenshots

When comparing two visually similar websites, it can often be challenging to precisely identify the subtle differences between them. To facilitate a rapid analysis of these discrepancies, a practical technique involves leveraging Chrome's integrated developer tools to capture full-page screenshots of each site. Subsequently, these screenshots can be uploaded to a platform like AI Studio. There, the AI can analyze the images and generate a report detailing the variations. This entire process, leveraging a few quick shortcuts, can be completed in under a minute, delivering a comprehensive breakdown of the differences for efficient comparison and analysis.

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[00:00] Open Chrome DevTools, hit Command-Shift-P, and type in screenshot, and select full-size screenshot. This will take a screenshot and add it to your downloads, which we can drag over here. Then we can go to another site, Open DevTools, Command-Shift-P, screenshot, full-size screenshot, and drag this over here. Now you can run any query you want, like compare the general tone and messages shared on each platform, highlight what stands out on each one. Let that run, then after a few seconds you get a nice comparison between the two sites.