Understanding by Design in a Nutshell

Taylor Bell
Taylor Bell
3 years ago

Stage 1: Desired Results

What long-term transfer goals are targeted?

What meanings should students make in order to arrive at important understandings?

What essential questions will students explore?

What knowledge and skill will students acquire?

What established goals/standards are targeted?

Stage 2: Evidence

What performances and products will reveal evidence of meaning-making and transfer?

By what criteria will performance be assessed, in light of Stage 1 desired results?

What additional evidence will be collected for all Stage 1 desired results?

Are the assessments aligned to all Stage 1 elements?

Stage 3: Learning Plan

What activities, experiences, and lessons will lead to achievement of the desired results and success at the assessments?

How will the learning plan help students with acquisition, meaning-making, and transfer?

How will the unit be sequenced and differentiated to optimize achievement for all learners?

How will progress be monitored?

Are the learning events in Stage 3 aligned with Stage 1 goals and Stage 2 assessments?