Find Document by id in MongoDB Collections

In this lesson, we learn that searching for a MongoDB document by its ID can be a little tricky in the beginning.

We demonstrate how to use the _id field to search for specific documents and emphasize the necessity of wrapping the ID with the ObjectId constructor. This step is crucial because failing to do so can result in empty results, underscoring the importance of proper syntax when querying by document ID.

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[00:00] Searching for a Mongo document by its ID could be a little strange at first. So let's see why. When we have a document which has a very specific ID, let's try to search for it. Now, if we provide the underscore id and we define what the id is now we get an empty result set so the thing is we need to include this object id constructor over here so this is everything going to be exactly the same though we need to remember about this ID wrapper over the object.