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    Explore and Prepare the Firebase Services We'll Use in the Firebase Console
    2m 6s

Explore and Prepare the Firebase Services We'll Use in the Firebase Console

Jorge Vergara
InstructorJorge Vergara
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Published 2 years ago
Updated a year ago

We'll go through the Firebase console and explore the services we'll use. We'll take the time to prepare these services like creating a new database, a storage bucket, and adding email and password as an available authentication method.

Instructor: [0:00] When we ran our AngularFire schematic, it also created a Firebase application project for us. To see our application, we are going to go to console.firebase.google.com. Here you are going to see all of the Firebase projects that you have and you can see the one we just created that's called EggheadTaskListExample.

[0:23] This is the Firebase console where you are going to be able to see all of the services that you are using in your Firebase application. For us, we are going to use authentication. We are going to use the Firestore database, we are going to use cloud storage.

[0:42] First, we are going to click into authentication and we are going to make sure that we have one authentication method available. For that, we are going to click on get started and we are going to enable the email and password provider.

[1:00] With this, we are going to be able to create users with email and password. If you in the future want to add more authentication methods, you first need to enable those providers here. Now, we are going to go into the Firestore database and we are going to create a database.

[1:19] We are going to select start in test mode and what it is going to do is it's going to create Firebase security rules that are going to let you read and write to your database for the first 30 days without issues. Because this is enough time for you to practice in development and then create proper security rules.

[1:44] Then we are going to go into storage and we are going to get started creating a storage bucket. Same as with Firestore, we are going to start this one in test mode.

[1:57] These are the main three services that we are going to use. You can take some time to explore through them so that you can see everything that they have.

~ 41 minutes ago

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