Introduction to Create a Bar Chart with React and D3

Andy Van Slaars
InstructorAndy Van Slaars
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Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

When you want to add data visualizations to your web app, D3 is pretty much the accepted standard.

In this course, we'll start from scratch and build out a bar chart for some sample data using D3's utilities to wrangle the data and then we'll handle the rendering with React.

We'll start by laying out the SVG element that will hold everything, then we'll move on to creating scales that will give us the information we need to render our data as well as axes to give our data some meaning.

Along the way, we'll cover accessor functions, linear scales, band scales and finally, we'll use an ordinal scale to map data objects to colors.

This course certainly won't cover all of D3, but we'll cover enough of the fundamentals to give you a solid jumping off point for future D3 and React data visualization work.

Andy Van Slaars: [0:00] When you want to add data visualizations to your web app, D3 is pretty much the accepted standard. In this course, we'll start from scratch and build out a bar chart for some sample data using D3's utilities to wrangle the data and then we'll handle the rendering with React.

[0:14] We'll start by laying out the SVG element that will hold everything. Then we'll move on to creating scales that will give us the information we need to render our data, as well as axes to give our data some meaning.

[0:24] Along the way, we'll cover accessor functions, linear scales, band scales, and finally, we'll use an ordinal scale to map data objects to colors.

[0:34] This course certainly won't cover all of D3's capabilities, but we'll cover enough of the fundamentals to give you a solid jumping off point for future D3 and React data visualization work.

~ just now

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