Create and Configure a Bot using the Discord Developer Portal

Lucas Minter
InstructorLucas Minter
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Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

In this lesson, you'll learn how to create and configure a Discord bot.

You will see how to create the bot, select the options you will need, give it the correct amount of permissions, and add it to your server.

Here is the link to the Discord Developer Portal:

Instructor: [0:01] Navigate to and click new application. We're going to name our bot. We'll do the best book club bot, accept, then create.

[0:13] It's going to take you to this general information page, which you can fill out if you want to. For our course, it's not really necessary. We're going to go over here on the left and click on bot and add a bot. Yes, do it.

[0:30] Fill my two-factor authentication. Once you've done that, you will see it has generated this page for you. You scroll down, you can see authorization flow. You can see privilege gateway intents.

[0:42] You're not going to need to worry about this unless your bot reaches 100 or more servers. We won't cover that. Next, we need to add our bot to our server. On the left, click OAuth2 URL Generator, select bot.

[1:01] Then now, we need to select the permissions for our bot. We're going to select manage roles, manage channels, read messages, view channels, manage events, and moderate members.

[1:17] Over in our second column, we need to be able to send messages. We're not going to worry about threads or text to speech. We need to be able to manage messages, send embedded links, add reactions, and use slash commands.

[1:35] Now, at the very bottom, it will give you this link. We'll copy this link, come over here, paste that into our search bar at the top, hit enter. Down here, we'll select a server. I'm going to select my personal server, click continue, authorize. I am human.

[1:58] Now, it should be added to your server. Going over to our personal server, you can see right down here the best book club bot just landed. It was added to our server.

~ 25 minutes ago

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