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Creating your first FaunaDB database

Chris Biscardi
InstructorChris Biscardi
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Published 5 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

We walk through creating a new Database in the FaunaDB console complete with some demo data. We do some exploration of the data, introducing concepts like Collections and Indexes, before showing an example FQL query that runs against the database. This sets us up to talk about FQL in future videos

Lecturer: [00:00] Once you've signed up for a Fauna account, you'll end up at the dashboard. Since I already have a database in my account, I see it right here, along with the read ops, the write ops, the storage and the data transfer.

[00:10] To create a new database, we'll click Create New Database. We'll give our database a name, and we'll let FaunaDB repopulate it with demo data. This demo data creates a simple warehouse data structure for us.

[00:30] Now that we've created our database with the demo data, we can see that there are a number of collections and a number of indices. If we look at the customer's collection, we can see a number of objects, or documents. Documents can be explored through the UI, indexes or groups of documents inside each of our collections.

[00:48] In this case, we have indexes that represent all of the customers, so we see all of the customer documents. If we go to the shell in the FaunaDB console, we can use FQL to write a query. This query matches on the index all customers, paginates the results, selects the data from the pagination, maps over the results of the pagination using a lambda.

[01:11] Since in a lambda, the argument is a ref, we have to get object. Finally, we select the first name from all of the data. If we run this query, we can see that the result shows all the first names.

~ 9 minutes ago

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