Overview of Automate Everything

John Lindquist
InstructorJohn Lindquist
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Published 5 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

This first lesson shows off the workflow after automating all of the mundane tasks away. Throughout the playlist, we'll cover everything shown in this overview in more depth.

John Lindquist: [0:00] From a simple keyboard shortcut, I can select a project template, give my playlist a name, hit enter. Then, it will download my template, open code for me, and start my server running. My Chrome window popped open on my second display. I can just make a change, hit save, and I'm ready to start teaching.

[0:23] Then, when I'm done recording, I can enter a simple command called egghead quick lesson, create my first lesson, hit enter. Then, it can run a script which will create a branch, push it up to GitHub and generate a markdown file which lists my lesson, my necessary GitHub links, and a CodeSandbox embed link, which I could copy and paste.

[0:43] When I click this, you'll see that my code is already up and ready to share. I can make another change, fire off my command again. We'll name it make another change, hit enter.

[0:54] I can update my playlist.md. Give me links to my new branch, my new demo online, as well as having the new branch accessible here.

[1:02] Hopefully, this playlist provides inspiration towards automating your lessons or any other tasks in day-to-day workflow.