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Breaking Down a plain React App

Khaled Garbaya
InstructorKhaled Garbaya
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Throughout this course you will take this Pokedex plain react app and migrate it to a Gatsby App.

The app was create using create-react-app and has a few different sections like Home and About pages, it has a user specific section that is protected using a login and password to display the user stats.

In the upcoming lessons, you will learn how to extract and reuse a big chunk of the code from this app to build the same app using Gatsby.

Instructor: [0:00] Let's take a look at our React app. You can see here. This is a small app. That's going to be our Pokédex. In the main app, we have a home page, which is this one. Then there's an about page. We have also a profile page, but that needs a login. We can enter a login and password.

[0:22] We have a user-specific page. This is the same for stats. Then for Pokémons, this does not require any login. You can see here inside of this Pokémons page, we have a list of four other Pokémons. If we click on one of them, we can display the name of this Pokémon.

[0:45] What I want you to do is break down all of these routes, use what we learned in the previous lessons, and build a Gatsby app similar to this one.