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async / await using TypeScript Course Overview

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Published 7 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

The goal of this course is to give you a solid understanding of how async / await works and how to use it effectively with TypeScript.

To start, we will look at Promise basics and see how .then and .catch are greatly simplified by async / await. We will then look at methods for executing asynchronous code in serial (the default), in parallel (with Promise.all), and Async iteration.

All with the added benefit of code analysis and error checking by TypeScript. Here's a little intro to the course material. I hope you enjoy the course!

Instructor: [00:01] The goal of this async/await using TypeScript course is to help you understand and appreciate how simple asynchronous programing has become, thanks to the runtime features provided by JavaScript, and the compile-time understanding of your code provided by TypeScript.

[00:18] We kick off by taking a basic look at promises. This is because promises are fundamental to async/await. However, we do not add any noise by going deep into promises, as a lot of the complex rules around them, and catch callbacks are greatly simplified by using async/await.

[00:37] After a quick recap of promises, we take a look at how async/await operators interact with promises that might resolve or reject. Finally, we look at a few additional patterns surrounding async/await, such as the default serial execution, parallel control flow using promise.all, along with asynchronous attrition using for-await-of.

[01:13] I'm very excited about the code analysis and error checking offered by TypeScript when doing async/await. I hope you can see how fluidly I can present this material, as I always have TypeScript watching my back and making sure I don't make any simple human mistakes.

[01:31] I can't wait to see what you build with this powerful and reliable combination of TypeScript with async/await.

~ 13 seconds ago

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