Configure VIM

Mike Hartington
InstructorMike Hartington
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Vim's defaults leave the editor in a pretty minimal state. Let's look at some of options we can configure to make Vim feel more like a traditional editor

[00:00] Out of the box VIM doesn't have many features or settings enabled by default that you would expect from a traditional editors. Features can be enabled though, just by running a few simple commands. To enable syntax highlighting we first need to enter command mode by pressing shift and the colon or semi-colon key. Then we can enter "syntax on." If we wanted to disable syntax highlighting we can just run that command again, that sets the value to off instead. If you want line numbers, there's a few options.

[00:31] If you want normal line numbers you can enter "set number." Now to disable this we can just run "set no number." For those who like relative numbers, you can enter "set relative number." To disable this, you can run "set no relative number." But if you're like me and find both helpful, you can run "set number relative number." Now VIM has many more options available. To see all the options and what they do, you can enter "help option list."