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    Create a Content type programmatically using the contentful-migration library
    2m 6s
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Create a Content type programmatically using the contentful-migration library

Khaled Garbaya
InstructorKhaled Garbaya
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Published 6 years ago
Updated 2 years ago

In this lesson, you will learn how to create a Content type in your Contentful CMS space programmatically using the contentful-migration library. This tool enables you to describe and execute changes to your content model and transform entry content in a programmatic way

~ 5 years ago

Nice, concise video! Thanks! Here's a question that's open to anyone: let's say you have a use case where you want to enable a bulk-upload of edits, additions, or deletions to entries in a content model by providing a json file of some sort, would the migration tool be a good use of that? From all of the examples I have seen, it seems like the migration tool is only good for manually adding in content / entries. A new file needs to be created every time there's some sort of update. Would you then just need to programmatically create a file for each update? Is there no better way to achieve this?

Khaled Garbaya
Khaled Garbayainstructor
~ 4 years ago

Hi Peter, for bulk upload you would use the contentful-import. contentful-migration is more about the content structure

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