Create a One Item Tuple in Python

Ceora Ford
InstructorCeora Ford
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Learn to create a one item tuple. When creating a one item tuple, a comma has to be included after the item. Otherwise, your tuple will not return tuple as its data type.

Ceora Ford: [0:00] We'll assign this tuple to variable name one_item_tuple. When creating a one_item_tuple, you might assume that it's done like this, starting with the open parentheses, including the item and ending with closing parentheses.

[0:13] If we run the type method on (one_item_tuple), you notice that it returns to us class 'str'. In order for one_item_tuple to register as a tuple, we have to make sure to include a comma after the item. Now, when we run the type method on (one_item_tuple), it returns class 'tuple'.