Call setState with null to Avoid Triggering an Update in React 16

Nik Graf
InstructorNik Graf
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Published 7 years ago
Updated 6 years ago

Sometimes it’s desired to decide within an updater function if an update to re-render should be triggered. Calling .setState with null no longer triggers an update in React 16. This means we can decided if the state gets updated within our .setState method itself!

In this lesson we'll explore how this works by refactoring a city map app that updates even if you choose the same map twice.

Here we have an application rendering a map of the selected city. You can switch the city by clicking on one of these buttons. One you do that, a new map is loaded and rendered after loading is complete. The application initializes the city name, a state, and a constructor.

The city name is passed to the city component, which is actually rendering the map. In addition, we have two buttons allowing us to change the selected city. Unfortunately, the city component doesn't check for changes, and loads the map every time an update is triggered.

There are multiple ways to solve this. For once, improving the city component, but this might be out of your control. An alternative is to prevent the new update. To do so, we can leverage a new feature of React 16.

We improve our select city method to check the new value is the same as the existing one. When they are the same, we simply return null for set state. This prevents an update being triggered.

When clicking on Paris, the city map loads, but when clicking on it a second or even a third time, it won't anymore, since the update was prevented. When clicking on Vienna, it will still switch and load the map.

~ 7 years ago

Why is this better than shouldcomponentupdate? Doing logic inside setState kinda pollutes the paradigm of setState. Also at least in this case its possible to have the same check outside.

~ 7 years ago

Why is this better than shouldcomponentupdate? Doing logic inside setState kinda pollutes the paradigm of setState. Also at least in this case its possible to have the same check outside.

Only my opinion, but it can help localizes your conditional logic into your functions as you need it and let's you maintain a separation of concerns. Versus over utilizing shouldComponentUpdate as a catch all conditional function. Just like the rest of JS it just gives you a little more rope to play with.

~ 7 years ago

Versus over utilizing shouldComponentUpdate as a catch all conditional function

@mtKeller: In the above case, city component keeps re-rendering whenever render method is called on App. App could be a big component and could depend on lot of states and props to render. If any of those states/props update, it is going to call the render method, and <City /> component is going to do a fetch. So preventing a setState from happening doesn't solve the problem as some other state/prop update is going to re-fetch.

If City is a third party component that you have no control over, and you want it to not update if name prop changes, it is better to wrap it inside another component and you can call <WrappedCity name="Paris" /> instead. WrappedComponent will implement shouldComponentUpdate so that it only updates if city name changes. If <App /> wants to re-render for any reason, it won't forcefully update the City component.

Nik Graf
Nik Grafinstructor
~ 6 years ago

@Hozefa Just realized I never got back to this question and after thinking about it I believe I could have done a better example.

Let's say you have a button that increases a counter by one and you want to make sure it can't go beyond e.g. 5. I'm not aware of a nice setup where shouldComponentUpdate would help here. On the contrary you could check inside the setState function if the value is 5 and return null in such a case e.g.

setState((state) => {
  if (state.counter >= 5) return null;
  return { counter: state.counter + 1 }; 

I hope this helps!

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