In this lesson, we chain an additional Array.filter()
method to our filteredNames list, that lets us ommit shortlisted names from our displayed list.
Simon Vrachliotis: [0:00] When a name is added to the shortlist, we want it to disappear from the namePicker. It should never show in both lists. Since we already have our shortlist state in the namePicker components, we can use it to achieve that.
[0:13] Let's chain another filter method to our filtered names here, after the first one. In this one, we'll check if the shortlist includes the entry id. We only want to keep the entries where this is not the case, so we'll invert the logic here.
[0:31] Just like that, it now works. If I click on area, area moves to the shortlist and is gone from the namePicker.
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