Compiling a React to an IIFE with Rollup to execute and render in a headless browser

Chris Biscardi
InstructorChris Biscardi
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We take the opengraph image we wrote in codesandbox and copy it into our serverless function. We use Rollup to compile the component into an IIFE (immediately invoked function expression) that can run in our headless browser environment and cover a wide set of rollup plugins that we need for compatibility. We end the lesson having successfully screenshot our opengraph react component from our Netlify Function

Note: Due to Netlify changing their handling, the path in fs.readFileSync is affected. Update to:

const script = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, "image.js"), "utf-8");

Chris Biscardi: [00:00] If we hit our serverless function now, it'll run Playwright, which runs Headless Chromium, and lets us take a screenshot of the resulting DOM, then returns that and shows us the image that we've captured.

[00:10] The photo we've taken right now is just a string in the DOM. What we want is our Open Graph image that we coded up in CodeSandbox and designed in Figma. We'll start by creating a new file in a new directory. Here we have image.js in src.

[00:24] It uses a couple packages that we'll have to install. It also uses language features that aren't native to the browser. We'll have to compile this file into something that can run in the Chromium instance.

[00:35] To compile our app to something that can run in the Chromium instance, we'll use rollup. We'll also need rollup-plugin-babel. Rollup can be operated just on the command line. In our case, we'll create a rollup config file.

[00:46] In our rollup config, we'll import rollup-plugin-babel and use it with an input file of src/image.js, which is our component we just pulled out of CodeSandbox, with an output of image.js.

[00:58] If we try to run yarn rollup with a config file of rollup.config.js, we can see that we haven't installed babel-core. We'll also want to install babel-preset-react and, optionally, babel-preset-env.

[01:10] We can try running the rollup config again. In this case, we run into an unexpected token. This is an unexpected token because rollup-plugin-babel without any config doesn't understand what JSX is.

[01:23] In babelrc, we can set the presets to preset-env and preset-react. Reset-env is pretty aggressive by default. We don't really have to worry about setting the options yet.

[01:31] We do know that we're only running in Chromium. If we wanted to modify the way that babel was transforming our code into runnable code in the Chromium instance, we could do it just for what Chromium supports and not for any legacy browsers.

[01:44] If we look at image.js, you can see that we have a compiled file. We no longer have any JSX. We are now calling the JSX function from @emotion/core instead of react.createElement. This leaves us with the problem of how to render our component into the actual page in Playwright.

[01:59] Since we're going to run this code inside of the Chromium instance, we can pull it in as a string using FS. FS allows us to read the file into memory when we start the function. After setting the HTML with the corgi id, we'll add a script tag to the page. This script tag will run in the browser and will be the component that we compiled out.

[02:17] Before we commit, we'll have to do two more things. One is add a script that will call rollup for us to the package.json of the function. This will be rollup -c rollup.config.js. In our makefile, after we install, we will run build.

[02:32] If we run the function in production now that we've built, we see that we get the same result. If we looked back at our component, we can see that this doesn't do anything. We export the component directly but don't render it.

[02:44] We'll import { render } from "react-dom" and we'll render <App /> on the corgi id. After taking advantage of react-dom, we'll change our div to say no corgis here, so that we can tell if our app is being rendered or not.

[02:55] Note that we'll also need to change our format from CJS to IIFE. If we look at the compiled image.js file, we can see that it doesn't include any of the imports that we have. It relies on the vglobals. To solve this, we'll use a plugin called rollup/plugin-node-resolve.

[03:13] Now that we're including the modules and node modules in our bundle, we're running into a problem. We have to be able to resolve all the imports. In this case, we don't have the babel/runtime helpers around.

[03:23] After including plugin-node-resolve and also the plugin-commonjs module and rerunning build, we're met with another error, Missing shims for Node.js built-ins. This is because we're creating a browser that depends on process.

[03:36] Many packages in the node ecosystem depend on process.env to inject environment variables. We can see that process is being accessed and also that react is being accessed. We haven't installed React yet, so we need to do that.

[03:49] Then we'll add rollup-plugin-node-builtins, which gives us a couple of similar errors. It turns out that one of these errors, for process, is possible to fix by using plugin-node-globals, while the other, 'createContext' is not exported by node_modules/react/index.js needs to be handled in a different way.

[04:06] Because React doesn't have an ESM build, it currently relies on the commonjs exports. This is why in the commonjs plugin, we need to add a set of named exports for the ReactDOM and React packages. We can do this by importing them into our rollup config and then just putting the keys in the named exports. This doesn't put all of React in our config. It just uses the names of the exports.

[04:29] This has put us in a position where Babel is running on all of React. We can see this because Babel has deoptimized the styling of the compiled ReactDOM development.

[04:41] There's a key insight here in that process.env.NODE_ENV is used to optimize packages like React quite often. We can solve this special case by using rollup/plugin-replace and then using it in our config to replace process.env.NODE_ENV with production. We've also excluded node modules, so we don't get any more React warning due to the file size.

[05:02] The final warning we'll see is for built-ins. This is a behavior that we'll look for either in FS package in node modules or the FS package that's built in, depending on which option we use here. That may seem like a lot, but Rollup comes as a very minimum set of ES module first functionality.

[05:20] This means that to interact with the ecosystem that was built for CommonJS, we need these extra plugins. If you are able to work in an ES modules first environment, many of these plugins won't be necessary.

[05:33] If we look at our image now, that's returned from the serverless function, we can see that we're successfully taking and returning our screenshot. The sizing isn't quite right, but we'll configure setting the viewport in the next video.