In this lesson, we’ll replace hard coded strings with text from the user’s locale data, using the react-intl
We'll also discuss the structure of the messages
file, as well as use this utility from the react-intl
documentation in order to keep our messages
structured nicely.
[00:01] We'll start by adding some strings in different languages to our messages file. I've chosen to create nested objects under each language because I like how it provides structure and readability. However, React Intl expects a completely flat object to be provided to its messages prop.
[00:21] For example, it would expect to see detail.toggle like so, or it could be structured such as detailToggle as camel case. I found that the deeper the nested structure goes, the more unreadable it becomes, such as detailToggle.text.
[00:45] However, I've found that you lose the collapsibility and the nested structure by doing that, so I'm going to keep this nested structure. In order to use that, we'll have use a utility, and we're going to call it flattenMessages. I'm going to go ahead and add a new file, and I'll just call it utils.js.
[01:06] I'm going to paste in a function called flattenMessages, and this function is taken directly from the React Intl documentation. If we hop back to our messages file, it's actually going to produce a key of detail.toggle with a value of toggle, but it allows us to use standard JSON notation with keys and values that are nested.
[01:36] Inside of our source index.js file, which is the entry point of our app, I'm going ahead and import the utility file now, so I'll say import flattenMessages from utils, and we'll use it inside of this messages prop, inside of the Intl provider.
[01:58] We're going to take all of those messages and we'll wrap that whole thing in flattenMessages, so now the key that corresponds with locale that we found, is going to take all those messages and run them through the flattenMessages function. With that in place, we can start to translate our app.
[02:16] Let's hop over to our source component's bookDetail view, and the first thing we'll do is we're going to swap out the readMore text here underneath the book's description.
[02:29] In our component, I'm going to import from ReactINTL and we're going to destructure that import and say formattedMessage. Let's find the readMore label, and that's right here.
[02:44] I'm going to take that out, and I'm going to include a formattedMessage component. I'm going to pass it an ID prop, and this ID is going to directly correlate to the messages key that we defined earlier.
[03:00] It's going to expect detailToggle, I'm changing readMore to toggle here. Back in bookDetail that ID prop is going to be detail.toggle. If we refresh, in each of our different languages, we've got toggle, and the French translation, and the Spanish translation.
[03:23] Let's do this for a couple more pieces of this view. We'll replace the purchaseThisBookFrom header, and thisReviews header, so let's go ahead and do that now. We'll take out this purchaseThisBookFrom, we'll add a formatted message with an ID of detail.purchase, and the same thing for reviews here.
[03:51] I'll add another formatted message, an ID prop that's detail.reviewsHeading. You can see this purcaseThisBookFrom is now translated in each different language, as well as the reviews heading.