Switch To a Content-Focused Layout In Keystatic

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In this video, you'll discover how you can switch the Keystatic Admin UI to a "zen mode" content-focused layout for a given collection or singleton, by setting the Entry Layout option to "content".

[00:00] I've added a bunch of content in the first post. So this is what the mark doc file looks like. This is what the front end looks like. And this is what the admin UI for this post looks like. And the reason I have added this content is to make it more realistic of a slightly longer blog post that pushes the other fields down the page. So notice [00:20] how all the fields are stacked on top of each other in one column. And I want to show you an alternative layout that you can have for your entry pages in the KeyStatic admin UI with the entry layout property. So in the config file for the posts collection, I will add a new entry layout property, which as you can see can be defined to form, which is the [00:39] default, or content, which is this alternative layout. And here's the content entry layout. So all the fields except the main document field are placed in the sidebar, and then the main focus area is given for the content field. I have a pretty small screen resolution for these videos, but if I zoom out, you might get a better sense for [00:59] the sort of zen mode, focus mode that you get with the content entry layout.