More operators and conclusion

André Staltz
InstructorAndré Staltz
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Published 8 years ago
Updated 5 years ago

Let's recap the categories of operators covered by the series. This lesson also shows what was not taught, and what comes next as learning material.

[00:00] By now we have seen in this series, most of the common operators for transformation, filtering, and combination. In my opinion, the operators we saw, like combine latest, merge, take, skip and first, and many others are operators that you're going to be dealing with very often when handling RxJS code.

[00:19] There are some variants that we didn't cover, like distinct has these variants, but in those cases the variant is either easy to understand if you know the others or they are very simple and don't require too much learning, like ignore elements is very simple and single as well.

[00:35] There are however other important categories of operators that we didn't cover like the operators for higher order observables, like in CAT map, merge map, and switch map. These deserve a dedicated series of lessons. Also, operators related to RxJS subjects, the so-called multicasting operators are an entirely different category of operators from what we saw. But rest assured the operators we saw are the bread and butter of RxJS and have a lot of power for handling asynchronous JavaScript.

Vincent De Snerck
Vincent De Snerck
~ 8 years ago

Good stuff. Really like this series. Also a good choice to deconstruct how an operator works in the first video. Really clears up the basics.

~ 8 years ago

Loved this series. I think I have a better grasp on how these operators work now. Great work sir!

Marc d'Entremont
Marc d'Entremont
~ 8 years ago

Great series. I love that it's still current too.

~ 8 years ago

Andre is the only one that can teach me this topic in a way that I understand. Great stuff! As others mentioned, it would be great to cover the other operators.

Fabio Biondi
Fabio Biondi
~ 8 years ago

I love this course. Great work!

Ryan Wang
Ryan Wang
~ 7 years ago

Great series, thanks!

Kevin Pinny
Kevin Pinny
~ 7 years ago

Haha, I was thinking the same. I read his gentle introduction to reactive programming in a gist and it's probably the only explanation which actually made sense to me.

Keep up the good work Andre!

Martin Picard
Martin Picard
~ 7 years ago

Good course! I wanted to know more about mergeMap, switchMap, etc though

~ 6 years ago

Great course, amazing examples, I loved every bit. Can you please point to a place where I can read more about flatMap and switchMap and all these?

~ 6 years ago

Can you please also point me to a good resource about the pipe() operator? I see it a lot here, but I don't understand why does the guy uses it so much: you chain your operators normally without pipe.

~ 6 years ago

hi, nice course, thanks. I have a question why is this not wrtiting to console 2,4,6?

Observable.range(1, 6) .groupBy(n => n % 2 === 0) .concatMap(obs => obs) .subscribe((n) => console.log(n), null, () => console.log('complete concatMap'))




complete concatMap

~ 6 years ago
Bruno Ribeiro
Bruno Ribeiro
~ 6 years ago

Awesome course! It's the first time Observables made some sense to me.

I have the same question as @ganqqwerty about .pipe(). What it does different from chaining observables normally?

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