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TypeScript - What Happens to Compiled Interfaces

John Lindquist
InstructorJohn Lindquist
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Published 8 years ago
Updated 5 years ago

This lesson covers using your first TypeScript Interface and what happens to the Interface when it is compiled down to JavaScript.

[00:03] I'm going to add another TypeScript file. I'll call it social-network. In here, I'm going to declare two interfaces. One interface will be person. The other one can be social network. Because I want to use both of these in another file, I'm going to export them.

[00:24] Then in my person interface, I want to make sure anything that's a person has a name that's a string. Anything in my social network interface will have a getUsers function, which returns an array of persons. We'll also have it have a title.

[00:44] Now, I switch over to main, and I import social network. Then, from social network, I'll grab my social network and have my app implement social network. You'll see that we get an error saying that the app incorrectly implements social network. It's missing a title.

[01:10] We can fix that by giving it a title. We'll call it Eggheads. Hit Save. Then we'll see that it incorrectly implements the interface and it's missing getUsers. It needs a function called getUsers. I did that, but now it'll say that the function getUsers is incompatible, returning void or returning nothing. Doesn't match, returning an array of persons.

[01:36] I go ahead and return an array. This will make all the errors go away. If I try and return an array with an empty object in it, it'll actually tell me that an empty object is not assignable to type person. That's what the error is saying because person requires a string that's a name, so a name that's a string.

[02:00] If I add a name here, and I'll call the name John, then you can see that all the errors go away because this object matches this person interface. In fact, I don't even need to import the interface simply by the fact that the properties match up with the interface that it's typed against because of this person array.

[02:22] TypeScript knows that this object can work as a person. You can call that duck typing, basically creating an object that matches the interface. Duck typing is because, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck.

[02:35] Now, the question is, what happens to our social network after it gets compiled because it's been running in the TypeScript compiler? If we look in our dist and we open up main, you'll see that we have the exact same stuff. We have that class. We have a title, Eggheads, and a function that returns an array with that object, so the exact same thing.

[02:57] If we check in the social network, you'll see we have nothing. When TypeScript compiles, it does not bring over any of this interface, typing, or any of the stuff that you write for the compile time checking. It actually strips it all and it's not included in your JavaScript files.

Alexis Sánchez
Alexis Sánchez
~ 7 years ago

I am trying to follow your code, but I notice today I have a little differences in my compile, this is the code:


as you can see I have some extra lines of code... I dont know why, I am using webstrom

Jean-Denis Vauguet
Jean-Denis Vauguet
~ 6 years ago

By the way, "duck typing" is referred to as structural typing in TypeScript's handbook. It means what matters for a value to be recognized as "of type X" is not the name "X" (that would be nominal typing), but the structure/shape of X. If another type Y provides a structure the value can be matched against, then the value could also be said to be of type Y. TypeScript implements guessing algorithms to pick the "best type" out of context, but sometimes it fails and explicit type annotation help with resolving issues like that, and more.

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