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Stream an API using RxJS into a Vue.js Template

John Lindquist
InstructorJohn Lindquist
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You can map remote data directly into your Vue.js templates using RxJS. This lesson uses axios (and the vue-axios library which exposes axios on components as this.$http) and wraps the remote call inside of an Observable to provide the data into the template

Instructor: [00:06] I'm also going to install axios, and vue-axios. I can figure these by importing axios from axios, and importing vue-axios from vue-axios, and telling vue to use vue-axios and provide axios.

[00:20] This simply gives me on my components and HTTP servers to make the request that I need. Let me start with a stream called people, and say this is observable from this.HTTP, $HTTP and get, and the data I want to get is https://starwars.egghead.training/people/one.

[00:49] All I have to do is add this people to a returned value here that I can render out people. It save, and you'll see the response is all of this, and what I really want off of this is the data, I can tell my stream to pluck the data off the response. It save, and you can see the data we have here.

[01:16] Since what I really want is this name, I can do a comma name, it save and you'll see Luke Skywalker. That's all from the stream observable from, and this is just axios, which is like fetch with a lot more features, this is returning a promise, we're wrapping the promise within observable, plucking the data may be off of it.

[01:37] Then, we're passing this in to the return object, then simply rendering it up.