If you try to use CSS Modules in TypeScript the same way you would use them in JavaScript, with webpack’s css-loader, you’ll see an error: ”TS2307: Cannot find module './styles.css'”. typings-for-css-modules-loader is a drop-in replacement for css-loader that works with TypeScript and generates typings for CSS on the fly.
You’ll need to install dependencies first:
npm install --save-dev css-loader typings-for-css-modules-loader
Instructor: [00:00] Using drop typings-for-css-modules-loader in your webpack config the same way as css-loader. You should keep all css-loader options like modules, but instead of css-loader, you should use typings-for-css-modules-loader. NamedExport option will generate typings as namedExport, which are more convenient, and camelCase option will convert class names with dashes to camelCase.
[00:23] Let's use this css file as an example. Note that the class name is in kebab-case, it contains a dash. Let's enter this file to our application. It's OK if you see you cannot find module error.
[00:35] Typings-for-css-modules-loader will generate typings file as soon as we start using styles. Apply our class name to a button. Note that now we're using camelCase class name. With dashes, we would have to use bracket notation, because JavaScript doesn't allow dashes and identifiers.
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